HRC History Timeline
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  • (1805-1810) Rev. George Barkalo was pastor of HRC (4th pastorate)
  • (1812-1826) Rev. Thomas DeWitt. (5th pastorate) Received call from Collegiate Church in 1827. 172 people joined church and 193 children baptized over period of his ministry.
  • 1803 Lewis and Clark
  • Louisiana Purchase
  • War of 1812
  • 1813 Washington DC burned
  • 1826 Separation of Hopewell and New Hackensack
  • (1828-1835) Rev. Charles Whitehead. (6th pastorate) In 1835, accepted a call to Somerville, NJ.
  • 1833 Old church demolished. Cornerstone of present church laid 6/5/1833. Leaden box containing names of the different pastors, Consistory, building committee, master builders, estimated cost and principal congregants was deposited on top of the stone at SE corner of church. Finished 1834. Dedication: Rev. Cornelius Van Cleef of New Hackensack church-Introductory Prayer; dedicatory service-Rev. Whitehead; Sermon-Rev. Dr. De Witt. Building cost: $8000. $11,000 realized on sale of old pews, so a portion of the difference bought cushions, Communion table, carpeting, chairs and balance refunded to pewholders.

    Album quilt made by members of Fishkill and Hopewell Reformed Churches, now in Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC

    Rev. Abraham Polhemus, D.D.
  • (1835-1857) Rev. Abraham Polhemus, DD. (7th pastorate) "A lineal descendant of the Rev. Johannes Theodorus Polhemus, the first minister of the [Reformed] Church in Flatbush in 1654, he was beloved in Hopewell for his unpretending dignity and genial manners. Of uncommon height (6'4"), he won for himself an unusul attachment to the community and his leaving Hopewell for Newark was universally mourned. A volume of his sermons was published after his death and is the only record of his work." (from records of the North Reformed Church, Newark, NJ) Rev. Polhemus came to Hopewell from New Brunswick Theological Seminary when he was 23 years old. He died of illness at 45 years old while on his way to visit Hopewell friends.
  • 1835 Dr. Rysdyck's remains removed from beneath the pulpit at New Hackensack and buried in the church's cemetery next to the Dutchess airport.
  • 1842 Cemetery enlarged, sheds erected.
  • 1846 Dr. Polhemus a delegate to Evangelical Alliance, London
  • 1849 Spinoff of East Fishkill from Fishkill
  • E.F. chartered 1849
  • First town hall built 1892 at Gayhead


  • 1857-1860 Women of Fishkill and Hopewell Reformed Churches made quilt shown to left. In 1952, Miss Eliza Polhemus Cobb donated the quilt to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, NYC
  • (1857-1872) Rev. Oliver E. Cobb. (8th pastorate) Wrote history of first 100 years of HRC.
  • 1857 in Consistory business, sexton was admonished for grazing cattle in graveyard