Hopewell Reformed Church

David Hondorp Seminary Scholarship Application


            The David Hondorp Seminary Scholarship exists to promote seminary training of HRC’s members in preparation for professional careers in ministry.


Name___________________________ Phone______________ Email__________________

Mailing Address______________________________________________________________


Name of Seminary and denominational affiliation________________________________

Mailing Address______________________________________________________________


Briefly list your involvement at Hopewell Reformed Church



How will seminary education enhance your ability to “make disciples”? ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


What will be your cost for tuition this school year?  What other sources of income will you use to meet your seminary education expenses this school year? 



Will this be your first semester of seminary? (Yes/No)  How many credits have you completed and how many more do you need to complete before you will graduate?



Please attach a page describing your journey of faith highlighting: 1) your decision to personally follow Christ; 2) the impact your relationship with Jesus has on your daily life; and 3) what led you to the decision to attend seminary.


Return the completed application to the church office or mail to:

Hopewell Reformed Church, Attn: Vice President of Consistory, 143 Beekman Road, Hopewell Junction, NY 12533. 

May God bless you as you answer the call to make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20) by sharing the Gospel and your life of faith (I Thess. 2:8).