Ministry Description: The Dutchess County Coalition for the Homeless provides temporary overnight shelter and two meals for homeless adults in our area, every night of the year. The guests are provided clean pajamas, hot showers and laundry for their clothing. The shelter is located just north of Dutchess Community College in Poughkeepsie. This is a very safe area on the grounds of the state hospital.

HRC Support: Hopewell Reformed Church has been active in support of the Homeless Shelter for about 6 years. HRC has committed to providing at least two volunteers, a warm dinner meal and something for breakfast for 12 people. We have adopted the second Monday night of each month. Our volunteers serve for 4 hours, starting at 7:00 PM and are finished at 11:00 PM.

Invitation to Serve: We need people to serve at the Shelter or prepare part of a meal. Come and see for yourself. Join over 30 folks from HRC that have volunteered at the shelter, and have been blessed in their service. You could start just going and observing one night with our volunteers.

Other Needs: The shelter is always in need of small personal hygiene items (soap, tooth paste & brushes, shampoo, disposable razors, ,) pajamas, twin bed linens, towels. We provide each guest a new pair of socks on our night.

Prayer Requests:

Contact: Dave or Carol O’Malley (221-4432)
