Ministry Description: Reformed Church World Service (RCWS) is a ministry of compassion and hope. Its purpose is to work with partners to alleviate hunger and poverty and to seek justice for people around the world. RCWS aims to fulfill the biblical mandate to feed the hungry, give water to the thirsty, welcome the stranger, clothe the naked, care for the sick, and visit the imprisoned (Matthew 25:35-36).

RCWS accomplishes its mission by:

HRC Support: HRC supports the RCWS financially from the church’s tithe to missions.

Invitation to Serve: The RCA sends out a monthly “Mission of the Month” flyer listing ways that members could serve. The Mission Team needs help with our Missions Bulletin Board to allow us to provide this information on a more regular basis.

Prayer requests:

Contact: Mary Merillat (897-5984)

Web Site: http://rcws.rca.org/
