Hopewell Reformed Church

Missions Team





“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses; in Jerusalem, and in all of Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth” Acts 1:8





Purpose:         The purpose of the HRC Missions Team is to instruct, inspire and motivate the congregation to support the national and foreign missionary outreach initiatives as outlined in Acts 1:8….. (in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the Ends of the earth).  HRC Mission Team will provide vision, direction and leadership by means of praying, giving, sending and going.

  • If we are a team that is going to “Instruct and Inspire” others in the area of missions, we must have some basic knowledge of how and what we hope to accomplish.
  • We will pray for all missionaries and ministries supported by HRC on a consistent basis.
  • We will promote the “greater need” to pray for those in the field by establishing a time of prayer dedicated to pray for missionaries and the un-reached and persecuted peoples of the world in the “10/40 window countries”. Located 10 degrees and 40 degrees north of the Equator and it stretches from the west cost of North Africa to the East cost of Japan. 95% of all the people in the world who have yet to hear the Gospel. 47% of the world’s total population lives in just two of the countries, India and China. It is the home to three main religious blocks (Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism) Eight out of ten of the poorest of the poor live there. Only 8% of all missionaries work in the 10/40 Window.
  • We will continue to work with the HRC youth and adults by promoting short-term mission trips to enhance cross cultural exposure and disciple making moments.
  • We will work to develop long term relationships with missionaries we are supporting by providing short-term mission trips that will serve to enhance their ministries.




    New sites for Consideration

    If and when a new site is to be considered for a future missions trip it will be the recommendation of the team that the person initiating the request completes the attached form “HRC Missions Proposal Form” for review by the Mission Team.


















    Hopewell Reformed Church Missions Proposal Form



               Note: This form must be completed in it’s entirety for any new HRC Missions Initiative.   This form will be reviewed by the by the HRC Mission Team  for consideration and approval.



    Mission Category (check one):

               Jerusalem (local)    Judea (Continental US)    Samaria (Americas)   Ends of the earth (rest of the world)


               Ministry Type: (check one or more)

               Evangelistic     VBS Camp    Humanitarian   Work Project    Other__________________


    Describe the Purpose/Objective of the Mission: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________


    How will the project be funded? Fundraisers   Personal funding   Scholarships   Combination of all


    Estimated cost of the project? $________________________________________________________________


    Estimated dates and duration of the project: ____________________________________________________


    Estimated number of participants on this project:________________________________________________


    What is the age recommendation for this project:  Adults   Teens   Families   All ages


    Name the organization or place where you will be working: _________________________________________


    Site contact name: __________________________________   Phone :(___)______________________________


    Site email address or web site: __________________________________________________________________


    Project team leader name: _____________________________________________________________________


    Materials Coordinator name: (if applicable) _______________________________________________________


    Travel Coordinators name: (if applicable) _________________________________________________________




    Signature Approval Section


    Project is approved                   Project is on hold                         Project is not approved


    HRC Missions Team Leader signature: ____________________________________ Date: ________________



    HRC Director of Outreach signature: __________________________________ Date: ________________




    “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all of Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8








    Bulletin Board structure



    Hopewell Reformed Church Missions


    “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be My witnesses both in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and even to the remotest part of the earth”. Acts 1:8


        Jerusalem                  Judea                  Samaria                  Ends of the Earth

    Rectangular Callout: Map of the world  World
    Rectangular Callout: Map of the Hudson valley  V alley

Rectangular Callout: Map of the US US 

Rectangular Callout: Map of Americas




        List Missions                     List Missions                         List Missions                             List Missions

          in Jerusalem                        in Judea                               in Samaria                              to the Ends of

                                                                                                                                                    the earth 



    Current updates letters projects and needs

    Jerusalem                  Judea                  Samaria                  Ends of the Earth

    Rectangular Callout: Rectangular Callout: Rectangular Callout: Rectangular Callout: Rectangular Callout: Rectangular Callout: Rectangular Callout: Rectangular Callout:






    Prepared by: Mauricio La Borde

    Revised 11/28/08