Missions Team
“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on
you; and you will be my witnesses; in
Purpose: The
purpose of the HRC Missions Team is to instruct, inspire and motivate the
congregation to support the national and foreign missionary outreach
initiatives as outlined in Acts 1:8….. (in
New sites for Consideration
If and when a new site is to be
considered for a future missions trip it will be the recommendation of the team
that the person initiating the request completes the attached form “HRC Missions
Proposal Form” for review by the Mission Team.
form must be completed in it’s entirety for any new HRC Missions
Initiative. This form will be reviewed
by the by the HRC Mission Team for consideration and approval.
Type: (check one or more)
Evangelistic □ VBS Camp □ Humanitarian □ Work
Project □ Other__________________
Describe the Purpose/Objective of the Mission: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
How will the project be funded? □ Fundraisers □ Personal
funding □ Scholarships □ Combination
of all
Estimated cost of the project? $________________________________________________________________
Estimated dates and duration of the project: ____________________________________________________
Estimated number of participants on this project:________________________________________________
What is the age recommendation for this project: □ Adults □ Teens □ Families □ All ages
Name the organization or place where you will be working:
Site contact name: __________________________________ Phone :(___)______________________________
Site email address or web site: __________________________________________________________________
Project team leader name: _____________________________________________________________________
Materials Coordinator name: (if
applicable) _______________________________________________________
Travel Coordinators name: (if applicable)
Signature Approval Section
Project is approved □ Project is on
hold □ Project is not approved □
HRC Missions Team Leader signature: ____________________________________
Date: ________________
HRC Director of Outreach signature:
__________________________________ Date:
“But you will
receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses
Board structure
. “But
you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall
be My witnesses both in
Missions List
Missions List
List Missions in
the earth ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Current updates letters
projects and needs
Prepared by: Mauricio La Borde