HRC Music Ministry

In the eyes of the congregation, HRC's music ministry ranks second to the spoken word. We have an adult choir, children's choir, several contemporary music groups, and a bell choir. We have many talented instrumentalists. Our tracker pipe organ dates back to the beginning of the 1900's, and we have four octaves of both handbells and chimes.

Our Handbell Choir-Usually plays at the 10:30AM Foundations Service.

Our Chancel Choir-Sings at the 10:30AM Foundations Service.

Our Cherub Choir-Usually sings at the 10:30AM Foundations Service.

Our U-Turn Youth Group Band and soloist. They do their thing at Gathering at 8:45AM.

Pure Joy Band and Vocalists We hear them at the 8:45AM Gathering Service

Grace. They're at the Gathering Service