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Years 2000 and 1999: Vacation Bible School, early Witness, ChristCare, golf, Women's Guild Picnic, Church Picnic at Argyle's, the choirs, Willowcreek, Men's Barbershop/Gospel, Palm Sunday Pageant, Ladore, Steve's Recognition, Community Day 1999, Some Youth Activities. Women's Guild Apple Festival 2000-Preparation and Results Rutter Requiem and Talent Fair Some of HRC's Year 2000 Christmas Events-Women's Guild and Chancel Choir Christmas Parties HRC's Year 2001 Happenings-Work in and around the sanctuary and its rededication, summer/fall services under our tent, Annual picnic at Argyle's, landscaping, Women's Guild flower and bake sale, Classis Meeting and Dinner, Friendship Luncheon at Stone Creek, Charlotte and George's "Old Hopewell" show, ChristCare Groups, Bells of Praise, Witness, Consistory, Staff Pictures, Bright Beginnings, Jeff Alban's Recital. HRC's Year 2002 HappeningsJeff Alban's concert, Randy Prentiss & Lorraine Wolf join staff, guests from the Islamic mosque in Wappingers give us an understanding of their faith, kids in America's Group Workcamps converge in Dutchess County to work on homes of elderly and less fortunate, HRC's choirs, Superbowl Sunday, Sunday Schools, Easter 2002, ChristCare helps in Special Olympics, Honduras Mission, VBS's Son Canyon, HRC hike to Anthony's Nose summit in Peekskill, Apple Festival, William's Inn (MA) for brunch. |
HRC's Year 2003 Happenings--2003 Consistory, Workshop on Focused Ministry: HRC's History, choirs of Krinichka (Bellaruse) and Duquesne University, Northwestern College Drama Ministries Youth Fellowship Activities-Herlich and others. |