HRC's Stephen Ministry

What is it?
Stephen Ministries is a one-on-one laycare ministry system developed by Stephen Ministries St. Louis. For over 25 years this organization has been serving thousands of congregations from more than 90 denominations with biblical, Christ-centered training.

Our Stephen leaders: from left, Pam Hansen, Sara Irvin, Caroline Boyd, Kathy Stalter, Judy Budryk

Our Stephen Ministers. From top left: Marge Freitag, Bev Hanna, Jim Collins, Barbara Dailey, Barbara LeGrand, Elke Marsh From Bottom Left: Faye Lotze, Kathy Stalter, Sara Irvin, Caroline Boyd, Judy Budryk, Anne Ryan (Missing from the photo: Kay Booth, Babs Conklin, Melanie Mansfield, Pam Hansen)

 HRC's Ministry began in 2000. It is now 8 years old. We have trained 37 Stephen ministers since that time. 16 are currently active.

Our ministry's mission statement is:

Our ministry's vision is:
  • that every member practice a spiritual gift
  • to feed the souls of care givers.
  • that every need would be met
  • that the congregation would be known for its caring-no on feeling orphaned.
How does the Ministry work?
Stephen ministers are called by God to extend Christian care to those who are in the midst of trial and stress.

 Once a person in need consents to receiving care from a Stephen minister, the Referral Coordinator matches up a trained Stephen Minister with the individual. This Stephen Minister will meet with that individual weekly one-on-one for about an hour giving Christian care to that person. The Stephen Ministry Connection Chart shows how this works in more detail.

 Jesus is the model for this loving care. Stephen ministers are trained to provide confidential support, and non-judgemental unconditional love. These ministers listen, pray and accompany this individual through this difficult time in their life. Some life experiences where a Stephen Minister could help:

  • Death of a loved one
  • Terminal illness
  • Hospitalization and nursing care
  • Marital challenges, separation and divorce
  • Seasons of life issues
  • Substance abuse
  • Loss of job
  • Loss of home
  • Financial difficulty
  • Relocation of home
  • Traumatic accidents
  • Physical and emotional child/spousal abuse
  • Challenges of parenting
  • Challenges of the 'sandwich generation'
  • Challenges of special needs children
  • Challenges of gender identity issues
  • Difficult pregnancy and/or inability to conceive
  • Guilt
  • Fear, anxiety or panic
Stephen Ministers: The "After" People

Frequently friends ask, "I know you're involved in Stephen Ministry. Can you tell me exactly what a Stephen Minister is?"

I like to explain that Stepphen ministers are "After" People.

Stephen Ministers are there:
...after you've washed the last casserole dish.
...after the divorce papers have been served and the bottom falls out of your life.
...after the last child honks the horn, waves and drives away--and the house suddenly seems incredibly empty.
...after you arrive home following the funeral service and the emotions you've held at bay come crashing in on you.
...after the relationship has ended but the wounds are still bleeding and painful.
...after the doctors have said, "there's nothing more we can do."
...after the door has slammed shut--for the very last time.
...after the phone call you'd hoped you'd never get.
...after you realize the hands on the gold watch you received at your retirement party move more slowly than you ever imagined.
...after the nursing home director shakes your hand and says, "welcome to your new home."
...after the gavel goes down, the handcuffs go on, and your loved one is led away.
...after the baby has arrived, putting more demands on you than you ever dreamed possible.
...after you find the pink slip inserted with what is now your final paycheck.
...after your family and friends have heard your story one too many times, but you still need to talk it out.

Stephen Ministers are the "After" People. We are ready to come alongside you--or your friends, neighbors, co-workers or relatives--and provide comfort and support for as long after as we are needed.