Mission Emphasis: Youth leaders for a new church plant in the city of Cologne, Germany with Greater Europe Mission

Fun facts: Met and married in Germany-wedding June 15, 2002-served as youth leaders in Loerrach, Germany for 2years. Becky Lazzaro served with them in Germany in 2003.

B.S degrees, 2001: Jared-University of Colorado, Lori- Moody Bible Institute, Chicago. Birthdays: Jared-June 2 and Lori-Nov. 26

Prayer requests: To grow closer to God and each other; for safe travel while raising support; the euro/dollar exchange rate; team unity and for Cologne; patience and guidance as they raise their needed support.

Organization: Inherit A Blessing, 18950 Base Camp Road, Monument, CO 80132

Phone: 734-968-8340

Email: jnbridges@compuserve.com

Websites: http://www.jaredandlori.com
