Ministry Description: The mission of the Kairos Prison Ministry is to bring Christ's love and forgiveness to all incarcerated individuals, their families and those who work with them, and to assist in the transition to becoming a productive citizen. Kairos is an ecumenical ministry, which develops leaders for Christ inside prison and establishes ongoing outside support. The two basic parts of Kairos are its 3 day weekend “retreat” and an ongoing aftercare program where visitors come back inside monthly. Although the outside team spends the entire weekend in prison leaving only to sleep overnight, they report an "unbelievable feeling of safety". Kairos provides an opportunity for both residents and volunteers to grow spiritually.

Ministry Description: Kairos Outside is a retreat weekend where mothers, wives, sisters, significant others or females related to a prisoner (men or women) attend to meet others in the same situation, understand they are in their own type of prison (but not locked up) and have a wonder-filled faith experience. There is a Kairos Outside group, which holds 2 weekends per year in the Mid-Hudson Valley.

HRC Support: There are Men's Kairos and Women's Kairos communities and HRC supports the Fishkill Correction Institution (Men's) and Camp Beacon Women's Facility – both financially and with our volunteers.. Many HRC members have served and continue to serve on Kairos teams throughout the year. Training and team building is accomplished through weekly meetings before the actual weekend.

Invitation to Serve: Jesus himself invites us to serve: “I was in prison and you visited me.” Matt 35:36. Those who have participated have remarked that they "get as much or more out of the weekend as the inmates do!" Kairos team members feel that they have done something profoundly important and personally satisfying. For dates of upcoming weekends or Kairos Outside events, call Doug Archer (221-1507).

Prayer Requests:

  • That the inmates can see the love of Jesus reflected through the volunteers.
  • That all who participate do so with an open heart
  • That the Holy Spirit would fall with conviction on those participating
  • That those incarcerated learn that God has a plan for them and that it is good. Contact: Doug Archer (221-1507) or Dave Mowbray (226-2540)

    Web Site: http:\\www.kairosprisonministry.org
